Some missing CRUD utilities

After improving TOC generation, I developed a utility to assist me in migrating old TOCs to the new ones.

During examination of the results and trying to improve non-alphabetic tables of contents I encountered some old issues with the data including misplaced poems, repetitive items and things like that.

The repetitive data comes from the fact that there were works of a poet which were available only in a selection when I uploaded them and then, their full or more complete work became available. The old selection during this time had got some additional metadata including user comments and some data would be removed if I was about to delete them. They also might become linked from various pages on the internet and deleting them caused broken links.

repetitive data

Now I have added a feature which allows me to keep a deleted page URL in a new target metadata, and fix the broken link issue by redirecting to the replacement.

Some basic CRUD utilities, including deleting poems and importing poems from SQLite to a specific category were missing. I resolved them and after that I intend to create a utility which would find similar (repetitive) poems and move their metadata to their replacements and then delete/redirect them to their final replacements.