
There always been an issue for labeling poems prosody meters and rhymes within, because these data are attached to the whole poem which although for majority of them suits well, there are parts of which are not compatible with this approach.

Specifically for normal (non-poetic) works like Gulistan which in each part might include multiple blocks of different poems with different meters and rhymes this issue is visible, and apart from requiring the mentioned metadata to be attached to different sections of a page (post/poem), it needs a way to make these different parts of the text distinguishable from each other.

Blocks labeled ۱ and ۲ are two separate poems which are not currently distinguishable within
Blocks labeled ۱ and ۲ are two separate poems which are not currently distinguishable within

Although BANDs in a multi-band poems are visually distinguishable, their rhymes need to be stored separately in order to find similar poems based on combination of their whole prosody meters and rhymes.

multiple sections of a mutli-band poem
multiple sections of a mutli-band poem

There are other geometrically complex models which need different virtual sections inside them to make them ready for finding similar poems:

There is a whole independent poem inside this one (the red circles)
There is a whole independent poem inside this one (the red circles)

Each couplet is a Masnavi has its own independent rhyme in order to find similar poems.

Each couplet is a Masnavi has its own independent rhyme in order to find similar poems.
Each couplet is a Masnavi has its own independent rhyme in order to find similar poems.

Although does not have new poem formats having different blocks of a poem separate and distinguished is a requirement for these types of poems.

This are the types of issues I am trying to resolve here.