Category: Uncategorized

  • Editing Verse Positions, Deleting verses and adding new ones

    Until recently, for complex editing I relied on an HTML editor which after sending new content regenerated the whole verses and information for a poem. This would result in loss of data which was somehow tolerable in my opinion. After recent changes in poems structures (adding sections), using this editor would result in loss of…

  • Improving editing poems

    People can suggest corrections for poems and a moderator (currently me, myself) reviews these corrections and approved or rejects them. Applying these corrections relies on regenerating poem data which potentially is not safe. I now have created some complex structures in order to support poem blocks, and regenerating poem data might result in loosing some…

  • Corrupt MP3 files case

    I have recently (around two months ago) moved to a new server and used FileZilla Server to transfer files (I don’t recall on the source or destination machine) and recently found out that some of mp3 file (poem recitations) on the new server are corrupted. I am not 100% sure about the cause of…

  • Bands/Blocks/Parts

    There always been an issue for labeling poems prosody meters and rhymes within, because these data are attached to the whole poem which although for majority of them suits well, there are parts of which are not compatible with this approach. Specifically for normal (non-poetic) works like Gulistan which in each part might…

  • Some missing CRUD utilities

    After improving TOC generation, I developed a utility to assist me in migrating old TOCs to the new ones. During examination of the results and trying to improve non-alphabetic tables of contents I encountered some old issues with the data including misplaced poems, repetitive items and things like that. The repetitive data comes from the…

  • Improving generated HTML for Table of Contents pages

    I’ve previously added some new fields to some database models to be able to achieve this. First of all some poet pages HTML contents are not all generated based on database models and had been manually edited. Resolving this issue helps me to be able to be sure their contents are fully generated and does…

  • Breaking a poem in two

    I have to break this poem in two due to the issue reported by a user: This is the user comment on this: I have an already implemented solution for a simpler version of this problem which allows me to break the LAST poem of a category in two: I had prepared this feature for…

  • Hello world!

    This is the Ganjoor Development Blog maintained by me. Its main purpose is to keep a minimal technical documentation log for things I (or may be later we) do to improve ganjoor. My native language is Persian and even though it might be more reasonable to have this blog written in Persian I prefer to…